November 15, 2018
Booking out is letting your agent here at Take 3 know that you will not be available for a certain amount of time. Book outs can range from several hours to weeks at a time, depending on why you are booking out. Whenever a planned event in your life would prevent you from working (like a family vacation, a wedding, working on a movie or stage show over an extended period of time, etc.), booking out is a must. No matter how long you will be unavailable, letting us know is a friendly yet NECESSARY heads-up. Booking out is done via email, and here at Take 3, we take these emails very seriously. As soon as we arrive at the office, we check for new book outs and put them into the system. Each day casting will be looking for new talent and need to know their availability for auditions, shoot dates, callbacks, or bookings. When casting picks the talent they want for a project and the agent has to say they aren’t available, it damages the trust between the agent and casting. This means you will get requested less by casting because they think you are unreliable. The agent’s job is to make sure you book projects with casting, so you don’t want to have a negative reputation looming over your head. Not booking out makes the job harder on the agents because they assume that if you haven’t booked out, then you must be available for auditions. This results in a lose-lose situation, because your agent wants to book you just as much as you want to be booked! So, with all that being said, make sure to book out each and every time you’re not available.