Quinn McColgan (NON-STOP, Extinction, Meet The Coopers) joins cast Catherine Curtin (Stranger Things, Orange is the New Black), Zoe Colletti (Annie) and more in the upcoming short film by writer/casting director Jen Rudin, and Purple Glasses Productions. Produced by Lyman Creason (The OA, Wall Street; Money Never Sleeps) and Directed by Bertha Bay-Sa Pan; the project tells the tale of Fourteen-year-old Lucy Katz living with autism adjusting to mainstream high school is suddenly faced with cataclysmic change when she and her identical twin sister, Rachel, played by Quinn McColgan; become the subject of a genetic research study that could forever change Lucy. But is Lucy entitled to her own life or will she lose her identity and become just a medical experiment?
The project, the winner of several grants and writing accolades is a passion project for McColgan as she immediately loved the script due to her own personal connection; a close friend who is autistic.